March 9th, 2008 - Home sweet home
Yes, Cameron is home!
Owen stayed with Gran yesterday morning and I dropped Carlton with a friend for the morning while I did the round trip to Brisbane. Cameron was in pretty good spirits when I arrived, but was still suffering a little nausea when discharged from the hospital. On the way out we visited the ward where his friend ‘M’ is and who now has a nasal feeding tube fitted as he is refusing to eat and although he is not much younger than Cameron, he is half his body . Leigh went up to intensive care to check in on ‘A’, who was brought out of an induced coma that morning following the surgery on her nose and cheek and who is doing well considering what she is still going through – while I wheeled Cameron over to the lodge to collect our things. Weight
However, by the time we arrived at the lodge it was obvious that the looming prospect of moving such a distance from the hospital was causing him a great deal of anxiety as he began to experience symptoms similar to those he had the day he was released from the ward for the first time and I ended up rushing him over to the emergency room. So, we slowed our exit from the hospital grounds and gave Cam the opportunity to catch his breath and regain his composure as we loaded the contents of our second home into the car. We didn’t need to complete our exit from the lodge until this coming Wednesday, when Cameron is due back for his next chemotherapy treatment, but we decided to take the time to clear out completely. We were amazed at just how much ‘stuff’ we had accumulated! By the time we had done that and made a stop to service Cameron’s yearning for KFC, and driven the 90km back home Cameron was exhausted. Actually, we all were.
Everyone arrived back home within 10 minutes of one another and there was great excitement all around although it was something of an anti-climax for the little ones because Cameron was not exactly a barrel of fun as he had no interest in doing anything except rest. Nevertheless, it felt good to have everyone back under one roof, but something Cameron said some weeks ago rang true in my heart. Things are not the same. On that day when he was last home, on the 5th of February when he was diagnosed with cancer, Cameron was clearly still just a little boy. Today, less than 5 weeks later, he may not yet be a big man, but he is certainly no longer a little boy. He has a great deal on his mind. With the second cycle of chemotherapy more or less behind him Cameron now has more insight into the nature of the remaining journey that lies ahead. I also know that if I were in his shoes I would certainly not be looking forward to that.
A little more insight into the depths of the emotional journey that Cameron is on was revealed to me today. He has been so looking forward to returning to church. Within minutes of entering the church grounds this morning, news of his presence spread quickly and was soon announced. Cameron was so warmly welcomed back that at one point he just broke down and sobbed uncontrollably as the emotional dam that has been so quietly building inside him finally broke. Again he has astounded me by demonstrating a level of emotional maturity that stretches well beyond his 11 years, which was so clearly evident when happiness and gratitude flooded his consciousness.
March 10th, 2008 at 12:09 am
Hi Cam, Yes I have been waiting in anticipation to here that you are home!! I am so pleased. I know it is early days but I’m sure being home would be prefered all round! I’m sure Mom and Dad will look after you much the same as they did at the hospital, and you will be happy to be home again!Nevertheless the hospital did what they had to for you and I’m sure we are all very greatful for that. To the Doc’s nurses and veryone involved, my personal thanks!! Now that you are home I would truly like to talk to you, so ask Dad to set it up on the skype, OK? Bill try and give me a call sometime. Cameron BIG hug and XXXX for you with Love from all in South Africa Grandad Bill. Cape Town
March 10th, 2008 at 5:47 am
Hi Cam, I have been away for a few days and it was great to get back and see the update that you are back home! Praise God and well done to you too! Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. It must be great to be home with the family and food of your choice again. Keep smiling, you are very special and brave.
Love from Colleen, Tony, Matthew and Nicole in New Zealand.
March 10th, 2008 at 5:30 pm
Hi Cam so happy you home again, must be nice to have everyone under one roof again. We thinking of you so much and sending lots of love and prayers your way. Well done my darling, you really are an inspiration to us all. I loved the video, your dad is pretty good hey! Of course I cried but mostly because I could not be there to visit you! You take special care of you and remember, try take it day by day my love, you are so brave and a very special child. We love and miss you so much. tons of love Sand, Grant, Chloe and Em xxxxx
March 10th, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Hello dear Cam so glad you are at home again god bless you sweetheart and have a good rest in your own room. I am sure you will start feeling better after a couple of days, keep your chin up we are all thinking of you. Lots of love Dee Martin Manuella and Kenneth