Some folks have reported difficulty submitting comments. Please understand that in order to successfully submit a comment and have it published on this site you do need to register. The registration link appears in the sidebar on the left, under ‘Links’. Once you have registered you can submit comments. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the web your first comment is not published automatically, but must be manually reviewed and released by me. After that you can comment directly without waiting for me to release your submission.
One more thing to note, to submit a comment once you have registered simply enter your text message into the space provide at the foot of the page, just above the “submit comment” button. I mention this because some browsers make it quite difficult to actually clearly identify the text submission area near the bottom of the page. Once you’ve typed your message into that space, well… you know what to do next, right?
If you experience any difficulty submitting your message/comment then please feel free to email it directly to me as I am more than happy to publish these on the site on your behalf…