Archive for the 'Week 20' Category

June 28th, 2008 - Great News as the journey continues

We returned home to the Sunny Coast late yesterday after a very full and rather anxious two days with all the tests on Cameron, and within a couple of hours Cam was out at Youth… nothing is going to stop this boy! The great news is that there do not appear to be any active cancer cells!  Praise God.  The disappointing news for Cam was that the tumour or mass is still evident – although it has of course shrunk significantly since February. The senior oncologist was not surprised saying she thought with a mass that size she would expected some residue.  Cam’s initial disappointment was heart-breaking as tears welled and he looked over at me with fear and anxiety. However, this soon passed as she emphasised that this PET Scan result, telling us that the cancer cells are all dead, is the most important one. So, in true Cameron style he was soon beaming again, joking and asking many questions.  Read the rest of this entry »

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