Comments on: No Reds Rugby – now it’s neutropenia Cameron was 11 years old on Feb 5th 2008 when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:28:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: cawoods Sun, 16 Mar 2008 14:51:54 +0000 Hi Cam,
You look so trendy with your hair shaven & i’m sure that Dad is too! You must have enjoyed getting stuck into Dad’s hair with the razor. We need to see the family with all their new hair styles & colours.
So sorry to hear you had to miss the rugby but it is best to avoid any nasty bugs that may be floating around. You have been incredibly strong & positive, you truely are an example to us all! Kimerly & Chelsea pray for you each night. Kimberly keeps asking if you are better yet. When i reply that you are getting better each day then she says” Then we must keep praying LOTS”
She was so excited to hear that you are no longer in hospital.

So, yes Cam, we continue to pray for you & your whole family ,each day. We pray that God will continue to give you courage & strength as you continue your treatment & we pray that he will remind you again & again to trust that he is looking after each one of you, in a very special way.

Thank-you Bill for all your updates & photo’s.

Love to you all.

Mark, Lou, Kimble & Chel’s

By: Deidre Wadl Sun, 16 Mar 2008 08:40:43 +0000 Hi Cam

What fun shaving your Dad’s hair must have been a good laugh, and Carlton and Owen what colurs did you use?? Blue or red? Manuella and Kenneth did that many years ago with food colouring and they made red green and blue streaks, they had fun and enjoyed shocking Martin and I. Pity that you cant go out, but you have made it this far with much worse, a little while to have to give up something you like, is not so bad cos it means you will get better again. You will have to take up chess and beat the family at that game or practise in your computer games. Take care sweetheart and lots of love and kisses Dee Martin Manuella and Kenneth

By: billsr Sat, 15 Mar 2008 16:35:34 +0000 Hi Cameron,

I didn’t think Dad would do it but it sounds as if he DID! No wonder I couldn’t raise him on skype!!I think I would have firstly had a shock followed by a good laugh!! Sorry but I would look too much like a bald eagle, so I will let Dad do the honours.
So you missed the ‘hiding’ the Bulls got from the ‘Reds’. I must say it was a BIG surprise to us because tha Reds were not doing all that well. But that’s rugby for you, but the Stormers made up for it in the morning (our time) so there is still hope for the SA sides. Sorry to hear you are not able to move out because of the infection danger, but the doctors know best. You must look after yourself, don’t kiss the girls!!! Will send a message again soon with much love from all in SA Grandad Bill XXX Cape Town South Africa
