Comments on: The Mythbuster of faith Cameron was 11 years old on Feb 5th 2008 when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:28:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paine Family Sun, 02 Mar 2008 01:44:31 +0000 Hello Cameron,

Wow, you look great! Sorry to miss out seeing you last week but will see you soon! I do hope Carlton feels better soon too!

I thought, I would send you a “Limericks”, with a slight British feel!

Short Visit, Long Stay:

The school trip was a special occasion
But we never reached our destination
Instead of the Zoo
I was locked in the loo
On the M62 Service Station!!!

Paul Cookson.

with much love and get well wishesxx
Karen & Co xxxx

By: Deidre Wadl Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:51:20 +0000 aloha there my number one in shaving his hair!! My mom told me about your entertainment for the kids at the ward!! Hilarious mate!! Carlton my lil surfer dude… stay high spirited those shingles are nasty i knw my mums got em!!!! When i come over to visit u guys i’ll be Cam’s chauffeur and u owen and i can hit some waves and chill on the beach!! Gve your mom gran and bill a hug from me!! Lotsa love frm the mountains manuella xoxo

By: Hanekoms Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:34:18 +0000 Hi Cameron,

Wow dont you look fantastic!!! What a cool dude! We are reading about your update, and everytime we are just so inspired by you! You are doing so well, we know that you are so strong – so positive, good for you I am sure you will be on Mythbusters very, very soon.

Your daddy is doing such a good job with keeping us all updated, so give him a big hug and a pat on the back from all of your ‘fans’, sure all the fans are nodding in approval!!!!

Keep well sweatheart, know that Ross and Seb is praying for you everynight.

All my love Monique x

By: jennyjrandall Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:35:37 +0000 Dear Cam,
Your courage and strength amazes me. Seeing those lovely pictures of you, with such a fabulous smile. We may be far away but we are sharing the emotions of your journey too. You are a real inspiration to us all. Your family must be so proud of you.

Big hugs to you all – give our love to Carlton. I hope he is soon able to visit you again.

Never mind all these celebs you keep meeting, by the time those doctors have you on the mend you’ll be the famous one – all these fans you have logging onto your website!!

keep strong you are doing great.
Love and hugs to you all.
Jenny, Andy, Alex & Aimee xxxx

By: Deidre Wadl Thu, 28 Feb 2008 14:41:43 +0000 Hey Cam very smashing your hairstyle, Uncle Gary has now competition but he has no chance as it suits you much better!!!! Kenneth has the same style he has been shaving his hair also on #1 for nearly two years now, in the beginning it was strange but now I cant imagine him with long hair. The first time he did it he was very naughty, he had long hair and he only shaved half of it and left the other half long and he did it at a friends house at night so I did not see it till he walked out his room on the sunday morning, I got such a fright, but he thought it was worth it just to see the look on my face. Boys!!! had such a laugh this morning when your mom told me what you did at the childrens ward, what a lot of fun. Take care of yourself and I hope Carlton is not feeling so bad. You can tell him I also have shingles!!!! Very unpleasant. Sleep tight and sweet dreams. love as always to all Dee Martin Manuella and Kenneth xxxx

By: katie Thu, 28 Feb 2008 14:10:06 +0000 Cameron, you are one handsome young man. You are doing so well with everything. Are you still enjoying playing the PSP? Ruby is always asking after you, and she has been on here a couple of times to read the updates. We all send our love and best wishes and know that everything will be fine. Love The Middleton family + Monty (the dog – aged 2)! We have a miniature schnauzer, who is as mad as a hatter!!
