Comments on: Being great Cameron was 11 years old on Feb 5th 2008 when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:28:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: billsr Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:39:39 +0000 Hi Cam,

Maybe this is not the time to say it but I will, how can you have all these meetings with sports celebrities and I have to sit here and be just plain jealous, it’s not fair, I also want to meet these people!!! Maybe one day heh? How are you my big boy. I know you must be going through a ring at this time, but it will all turn out for the good in the long term. One has to suffer in all walks of life, at some stage, but in the hope and faith that it is all for the good. It can only get better with time. We all understand what a horrible and nasty treatment chemo can be, but I know and as I’m sure you do as well, that it’s like the dentist, he hurts but afterwards the pain subsides, and the mouth heals. So hang in there, remember what I said about the tough who get going. I will write again soon. In the meantime give Mom a hug for me as well, just sorry i have not been able to talk to her, but my thoughts are with you both every day. Glad to here you have been favoured with vistors from all over, enjoy your days as much as we wish you to fullfill them, and do me a personal favour,smile at the pain and laugh with the anger, stay strong. Love from all the family in South africa Love Grandad Bill XXXXX

By: Trish Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:53:57 +0000 Hello Cam,
Wow you are such a fantastic kid. So sorry that you have to go through this though. Always remember that God is your advocate. That means He is ALWAYS on your side, batting for you! I’m sure He’s telling His angels and whoever else God tells things to, “I’m so proud of Cam!”
Some more crazy jokes.
What do history teachers talk about when they get together?
The good old days.
What’s a geologists favourite music?
What did the SCUBA diver find quaking at the bottom of the bay?
A nervous wreck.
Why didn’t Josie pay her telephone bill?
She believed in free speech.

By: sales9 Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:13:38 +0000 Hi Cameron,
It is great to hear how well you are responding to the treatment and the fact you remain so positive. It must have been exciting when you realised you were being pushed around by am exciting sportsperson. Stay positive, our thoughts are with you all. Say a big hello to yourfamily and let them know they remain in our thoughts.
Vicki, Fred and Kaide

By: Deidre Wadl Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:51:21 +0000 Hi Cam
Well you are really getting around now in the wheelchair AND a chaffeur, good for you. Stay as cheerful and in such good spirits and you will see this thing will go, remember we are all out here rooting for you. We send lots of love and God Bless. Hugs to your mom dad gran and your brothers. Sweet dreams
Dee Martin Manuella and Kenneth xxxx

By: Sandy Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:05:22 +0000 Hello my darling!

My goodness we are so proud of you. We are thinking of you lots and so glad that you have so many visits from such special people, I only wish the girls and I could come and visit you too. I know you must have bad days but dad tells us you are being so strong and brave, well done my darling, soon this will all be over and you will be stronger than you ever imagined.

I am not sure if my mum told you this when you lived next door but she also had cancer and had Chemo about 6 years ago, and although she found it tough some days when she was sick, now that she is better, she feels it was one of the best things that could have happened to her, as she gets to help so many people and she really understands how they feel. She says she feels stronger than she ever has felt in her life (and do not tell her I told you this but she is old now!!!)

When I told Chloe you were not feeling very well she remembered exactly who you are (pretty good considering she was so small the last time she saw you but we also still have a picture of you and your brothers on our fridge) She wanted to go see you in the hospital straight away and could not quite understand that you live far away from us now. When I told her we could not go today, she said fine we can go on the weekend because daddys not working then!!! When you feeling better I will have to bring her our to see you all again.

Grant is hoping that his work will send him to work in Australia soon, it will either be Australia or England, and you know how we all feel about the rain in England!! We will have to wait and see what happens but either way we were planning a trip out to Australia towards the end of the year anyway. So we will definately come visit then.

Emily is 2 now and a real ratbag! She is naughty and full of mischief! She drives Chloe mad! Chloe is 4 and still cannot ride her bike! she is rubbish at it!!I think she needs you to teach her! She loves “surfing” but only on her boogy board! Another thing you and your brothers will have to teach her!

Well my darling know that we thinking of you lots and we miss you and your family so much. We wish we still lived next door so we could see more of you. We love you lots and give your two brothers a cuddle from us. Please send lots and lots of love to your mum and tell her I miss her lots… especially all the chats! tons of love Sand, Grant and the girls xxxx
