Comments on: Treatment Plan Cameron was 11 years old on Feb 5th 2008 when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:28:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dad Thu, 14 Feb 2008 07:40:10 +0000 Dearest Cameron,
You are looking so handsome! You’re growing into a strong and handsome young man, you’re going to be a heartbreaker! I hear you’re keeping strong and very positive, your photo confirms this. My dearest friend, we are all so sorry that you have to go through this tough treatment, but we know you’re going to come out an even stronger and greater boy
than you already are. Everyone is thinking of you, Cameron, and
praying that you’ll get well soon, so make sure you fight hard and recover soon so we can all come and visit you and celebrate your recovery in Australia very soon!
Lots of love to a very special boy!
Sandra, Jim, Jimmy, Carmen and Maria
